Welcome to Thought Field Therapy

Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is a self-help tapping method developed by Dr. Roger Callahan, designed to empower and address our unresolved emotional, health, and performance issues. The TFT Center is run by Dr. Caroline Sakai, an authorized trainer of Callahan Techniques Thought Field Therapy. Dr. Sakai has been practicing TFT, and conducting professional courses for health professionals since 1998. Currently in full time private practice in Honolulu, Dr. Sakai offers individual, couples and family therapy, consultations, and seminars and courses in Thought Field Therapy. Experience the results of this effective therapy and learn TFT through a live course.

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Amazon book link for 'Overcoming Adversity - How Energy Tapping Transforms Your Life's Worst Experinces' A Primer for Post-Traumatic Growth, book by Caroline Sakai, PhD
“I recommend your book to everyone I know because your treatments changed my life and your book is an inspiring and informative place to learn from and start tapping.”  – ‘Mary’

Overcoming Adversity:

How Energy Tapping Transforms Your Life’s Worst Experiences: A Primer for Post-Traumatic Growth

by Caroline Sakai, PhD | November 30, 2014
In the gut-wrenching stories of patients told by psychologist Dr. Caroline Sakai in this riveting book, you’ll see the full range of human misery and how Thought Field Therapy has helped in their recoveries.
Stories range from that of Josh, suicidal after fighting depression for years to Angelique, whose entire village was slaughtered during the Rwandan genocide. Yet both Josh and Angelique, as well as two dozen others whose cases are told in fascinating detail, recovered completely.
The remarkable cure that worked so well for them is called Thought Field Therapy or TFT. It’s often called “tapping” since it involves tapping with the fingertips on acupuncture points. A recent group of studies has shown that TFT is phenomenally effective at treating the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder, as well as anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.
Dr. Sakai has conducted much research into TFT, including several randomized controlled trials. She provides an expert introduction to tapping for beginners, as well as concluding with a section that shows professionals how to get the best results from TFT. It shows how TFT can promote post traumatic growth, the personal transformation that can result from traumatic experiences. It also shows how TFT can be used to promote resilience, the qualities that enable us to recover from life’s inevitable challenges.

"Energy psychology combines modern methods for overcoming trauma with ancient techniques for healing the body. The mixture is powerful. Survivors of traumas overcome the experiences that have shattered their psyches. In the past, after such trauma, survivors often spent the remainder of their lives in the nightmarish terror of PTSD, unable to rebuild their lives beyond a dark shadow of what had been. With energy psychology, they heal and they rebuild their lives with surging creativity, confidence, and deep compassion for others who are struggling... This book tells their stories. You cannot read it without being transformed."

David Feinstein, PhD, Author of 'The Promise of Energy Psychology - Revolutionary Tools for Dramatic Personal Change'

"Dr. Caroline Sakai is a picture of dedication to the art of healing and to her patients. This book describes her unconventional ways that yields uncommon results even in the most difficult cases. The examples in this book speak for themselves. Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is a missing piece that may be applicable in just about everyone's life including your own. The techniques are simple yet powerful and useful for conditions from simple habit change to full-blown PTSD."

Terry Shintani, MD, JD MPH , Founding President, Hawaii Health Foundation

"Overcoming Adversity is a vital informational and training asset to helping laypersons and professionals assist with possible strategies that can help heal."

Carole G. Stern, RN, DCEP, Past President, Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP)

Coping with Covid

The Coronavirus pandemic has created panic of epic proportions. Even generally very calm individuals with no prior history of anxiety or panic attacks are experiencing symptoms. Our best defense against falling ill or having more severe symptoms is to do what we can to keep our bodies and minds calm and healthy.

We’re grateful for Thought Field Therapy and would like to share a TFT sequence that has been helpful for dealing with overwhelm, anger/frustration, panic/anxiety, worry, and fatigue/depression. Learn TFT sequence.

Covid effects:

  • Impaired mood regulation: Prolonged high anxiety can deplete the neurochemicals that help regulate mood, and this can affect our memory and functioning.
  • Irritability, fatigue and depression: Dealing with the resulting stress from Covid can readily lead into irritability, fatigue and depression.
  • Anger, frustration, rage: Hearing and talking about what’s going on without solution can lead to feeling anger, frustration and rage. When we don’t have a constructive channel for this energy, problems can develop for us physically and mentally.
  • Compounding anger and anxiety: Besides the virus, the anger and anxiety can also be contagious and infect those with whom we’re interacting with. Blaming others keeps us in the victim powerless position that fuels more anxiety and despair.
  • Impaired immunity: When we’re in panic mode, our energetic resources are channeled into fight or flight and not into healing and repairing our cells and tissues, and keeping us well.

What we can do:

  • Take time to get centered and take some slow deep breaths. Apply TFT sequence.
  • Work on an attitude of gratitude for what we do have and can appreciate.
  • Take responsibility for our own well-being. We can start looking at what we can do to maintain and improve our health.
  • Work on what we can control and how we can contribute to making a difference.
You are not alone if you find the stress and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic have had an impact on your relationships. The pandemic has brought about significant changes which can put a strain on relationships and may lead couples to seek therapy to help them navigate these challenges and improve their communication and connection with one another. Here are some ground rules for couples therapy that you might find helpful.

Please stay safe and take care! – TFT Center