
Parkinson's Disease Archives - Thought Field Therapy Center (TFT)

I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank you for taking such good care of my husband

By | Success Stories

Dr. Sakai,

I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank you for taking such good care of my husband. We knew, several months before he was diagnosed with possible Parkinson’s disease, that something was wrong with him. He was depressed and stressed He tried very hard to hide the fact that he had growing concerns about his health so as not to worry me. My heart ached because I didn’t know how to help him. You gave him hope. Several weeks ago he came home very excited over a new therapy he learned during his session with you. He said it was called “Thought Field Therapy”.

He couldn’t wait to show me what he learned. I had my doubts but he said, “Just wait!”. When he began humming, I thought, “This new therapy is so bogus”. But, as he continued to follow your instructions, I noticed some subtle changes in his symptoms. He breathed deeper and was visibly more calm. The shaking in his hands decreased. He had tears in his eyes and so did I. As the days passed he didn’t need the paper he had been following. He did the exercises by memory.

I don’t presume to know how the therapy works. All I know is that it does! When ( ) gets stressed, he does your therapy. It seems to calm his troubled soul. By helping ( ), you have helped our family through some very difficult times. I would highly recommend this “Thought Field Therapy” to others. I have evidenced its results in a very personal way. I will always be grateful.

Wife of patient (Male, 60’s)

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